Undercover Agent Training

Undercover agents can be a valuable tool in an investigation. However, they can also be a liability.


They may take bribes and accept illegal drugs. They can also become sympathetic to their targets and develop a desire to protect them.

The SAC or designated Supervisory Special Agent must consult on a continuing basis with the appropriate Federal prosecutor about undercover operations that involve sensitive circumstances.


Undercover agents must undergo extensive training to ensure that they can perform their duties undercover without compromising their cover. They need to have 광주흥신소 law enforcement and human relations experience, as well as advanced education. They are also trained in the use of various tools, such as body-worn audiovisual equipment. These tools allow investigators to discreetly gather evidence when dealing with dishonest employees or criminals in a company, such as stealing merchandise or sharing trade secrets with competitors.

Undercover police officers are also trained in techniques to defuse a hostage situation. They are taught to act as a team, utilizing pre-arranged audible and verbal signals to alert members of their cover team. They are also trained in tactics such as dropping to the ground and going limp (dead weight) if they are attacked.

They are trained to infiltrate a criminal organization and identify the most important information to report to their supervisors. They are also taught the nuances of undercover work and how to avoid committing undercover violations. They are also instructed to review the Undercover Guidelines on a regular basis.

The New York Police Department’s undercover training program includes role playing, imputation of knowledge about drugs and on-the-street training. It also cover 광주흥신소 s the construction of a cover story, the selection of a transportation vehicle and an undercover living quarters. The course concludes with a discussion of setting up a cover and the means for terminating an assignment without alerting subjects of the investigation.


A law enforcement agency needs a special set of skills to conduct undercover investigations. These include exceptional observation, a strong memory and a good sense of disguising oneself. In addition to these, an undercover officer must be able to adapt quickly and be mentally agile. These requirements are typically met by completing a police academy or training program, which is an extensive process that includes a background check and polygraph examination. Once you’ve been trained, you will be required to work as a uniformed patrol officer for two or three years before being assigned to undercover duties.

During a covert operation, it’s important to communicate clearly with the team. This will ensure the safety of everyone involved. Communication is usually through visual and audio signals, but can also be accomplished by telephones or radios. Pager codes and signals should be worked out ahead of time to prevent confusion.

The FBI’s Undercover Guidelines require an SAC to review the conduct of undercover employees “from time to time.” However, USOU’s field work found a number of lapses in this requirement. For example, the Guidelines do not require SACs to verify meetings with undercover employees unless those employees work away from the field office. In addition, SACs do not always consult on a regular basis with SSAs who exercise day-to-day supervision over undercover employees.

Infiltrating a crime organization

Undercover agents are tasked with infiltrating organized crime groups to get close enough to collect valuable evidence. They can be sent into a drug trafficking organization to learn how the group moves their shipments or they may infiltrate a criminal gang to gather information about its members and leaders. Sting operations involving money laundering, proceeds of crimes and other priority investigations can be extremely complex and require an extensive time commitment for undercover investigators.

Police departments rely on undercover officers to uncover fraud and other white collar offenses, public corruption, terrorism and offenses involving controlled substances. These investigators can also be used to track down missing persons and help solve murder cases and other violent crimes.

In order to keep their cover, undercover agents must be able to interact with people in a normal manner without revealing that they are law enforcement officers. This includes being able to communicate in person, over the phone or on the Internet. This type of investigation requires the agent to have a variety of skills, including being able to manage a situation if it goes wrong.

The use of undercover agents to infiltrate a crime organization can be controversial. It is important to be able to distinguish between infiltration and entrapment. Entrapment is when the police encourage or facilitate criminal activity that an individual did not have any intent to commit to begin with (Long et al. 2001). This can be a problem in buy-bust and sting operations, especially when undercover officers are involved.