Unfaithful Spouse Investigation

Often, people who suspect their spouse or significant other is cheating seek out a private investigator. This is because a PI is trained to find infidelity, and they will have access to evidence that can be used for a divorce case or to break up the affair. 심부름센터

Signs of infidelity can include unexplained changes in behavior, secret communication habits, and alterations in showering or grooming habits. Financial records can also provide proof of an extramarital relationship.


If you suspect your spouse or partner is having an affair, a private investigator can conduct surveillance to find out the truth. Surveillance can include following your mate at times when infidelity is suspected to take place and documenting their activities. It can also include examining their online activity and social media profiles for evidence of infidelity. In addition, an investigator can conduct asset searches to uncover any undisclosed assets or unexplained expenditures.

While it is tempting to take matters into your own hands and monitor your spouse yourself, this can alert them to your suspicions and lead to a confrontation that can ruin your relationship. Additionally, it is illegal to bug a person’s car or hack into their phone or computer without their permission. A professional private investigator is trained to discreetly obtain the necessary information and will comply with all state and federal laws. Having hard, real proof that your suspicions are valid can put your mind at ease.

Background Checks

If you suspect your spouse of cheating, a background check can be one of the best ways to find out what’s really going on. A private investigator will be able to search through various databases and social media to help uncover any indiscretions that may be taking place.

A premarital background check can also be a smart way to ensure that the person you’re marrying doesn’t have any hidden skeletons in their closet. This can give you peace of mind and allow you to focus on your relationship without worrying about a potential problem that could emerge down the road.

Red flags that might indicate infidelity include a change in appearance, like new clothes or an increased focus on exercise, and unexplained long calls to unfamiliar phone numbers. A detective can also run a lie detector test to see whether your spouse is telling the truth. They can even perform a technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM) sweep to detect any electronic eavesdropping devices that might be in the home.

Video Recordings

In some cases, private investigators will record video to capture evidence that would otherwise be impossible. The images can be used for a variety of purposes, including to disprove infidelity allegations in divorce or custody cases. Private detectives are licensed by their state and operate under the same laws as regular citizens, but they also have freedoms not available to the public.

Kazakian specializes in cheating spouse investigations and says the most common reason people contact him is because they’ve noticed a change in their partner’s behavior. For example, he says some clients notice their spouse is staying late at work, taking more business trips, or using a different phone number.

Other warning signs include unexplained financial activity, secretive behavior, and a lack of intimacy. While it’s normal to feel doubt in relationships, a professional investigation can help put your mind at ease. It’s also important to take time for self-reflection, examining what might have caused you to suspect infidelity in the first place.

Audio Recordings

If you suspect that your partner is unfaithful, it’s an incredibly emotional and stressful situation. Your suspicions may be right or wrong, but you need to know the truth in order to move forward.

A private investigator can record your spouse’s behavior in discreet and confidential ways, including tracking their mobile phone use, monitoring their internet browsing history, and following them in the most secretive way possible. But it’s important to remember that federal law prohibits wiretapping without consent, and hacking into someone’s personal information is illegal unless a warrant has been issued.

Some warning signs of cheating include a sudden need for privacy, changing passwords on social media accounts, bringing home strangers for business meetings, or a change in bathing habits (like wearing cologne or perfume more often). It’s also important to keep communication open with your spouse during this time, especially if you are unsure about their activities. This can help build trust and improve communication within your relationship.